Additional Services

Did You Party A Bit Too Hardy...
We'll give you a helping hand

Are You Moving?
Let us strive
to help get
your deposit
back or simply
freshen up
your new abode

Commercial Cleaning
When looking your best is a must we offer to meet your needs whether its full service or just a floor care program to keeping the sick days of your staff down to meet full production. Spick & Span Cleaning Service is here for you.
Spring / Fall Cleaning
Things get away over the warm summer or cold winter months. Let our well trained staff spiff your home up to a sparkling shine once again with out you missing a beet of all your demands of life.
Carpet Cleaning
Get an extreme steam clean with our Daimer XTreme Power XPH-5900i with two heaters bringing it to 210F with drying times greatly improved over traditional carpet & upholstery cleaning methods.

Cabinet Interiors
Fridge Interior
Oven Interior
Washing Walls
Window Exteriors